Buffalo Tract: We are hoping that all our hard work is not lost with the change of leadership in
the US House of Representatives. Knowing that “Lame Duck” sessions can be very productive,
we are busy updating the written testimony given earlier this year to the committee hearing the
Protect the Buffalo Tract legislation. Our hope is that the additional testimony will nudge
congress to include the “remove from mining legislation” or other Buffalo Tract protection into
the annual land use bill. We’ve never been this close to protecting BLM lands in Placitas from
mining. The additional testimony includes details related to:
1. The community’s recreational plan for the Buffalo Tract. That plan detailed which trails
will be added, ones that can be closed, a planned ADA compliant trail and the other
recreational opportunities the Buffalo Tract can provide as an urban recreational interface
rather than the proposed additional 800-1,000 acre gravel mine.
2. The role of the Buffalo Tract in New Mexico’s wildlife corridors and the part it will play
in the Sandia – Jemez Mountains Bernalillo Corridor that is included in the state’s high
priority wildlife corridor projects. Recommendations include overpasses, underpass
culverts, a bridge underpass and wildlife exclusion fencing. Both Santa Ana and San
Felipe Pueblos are adjacent to the Buffalo Tract and are committed to protecting our
wildlife corridors.
You can make your voice heard on this important issue by contacting representatives on the committee that will be hearing this in December. Detailed information is here. 1 DEC Work Constituents letter campaign (1)
Bike/Hike Placitas: Funding is now available for the feasibility study on the completion of a pedestrian, bicycle, and multiuse trail along NM-165 in Placitas, we believe the results of the study will become available for community review by spring. As previously reported, this is just the first step in a major, multi-year effort to improve safety for pedestrians, bikers and motorists along 165.
KUPR invites you to visit kupr.org and check out the new radio player on the home page. This is
the first in a series of tools designed to make your listening experience more enjoyable.
Covid Risk: As Sandoval County, among others, slips back to RED – high risk of contracting
Covid – and the holidays and its many gatherings upon us, this is a reminder to again mask up
and stay safe.